Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Rain Delays

We had a tee time for four yesterday. Beth and I and another couple that arrived on Sunday had a 1:02 tee time. About 10 AM the rains came and it rained very hard until 12:30. The two ladies did not want to go to the course as the sky was still dark. The two males were able to see a small patch of blue off in the distance.

We were the only ones at the course but what the heck it was not raining. So we decided to try nine. We paid for nine and the pro said we could pay for the other nine later if we wanted to keep going.

I ensured my partner that the course was built on sand so should be dry by now as it stopped raining 45 minutes ago. We started off and we both hit out ball into a river that was not there the other day. In fact the course had a number of small rivers and lakes that were not there the other day. Oh well, casual water we will just take relief. Not so easy, where was a dry spot. There was not any. The fairways were soaked. We played on as the greens were dry but the bunkers were full.

On the third hole we got a light shower. Felt good and cooled us off a bit. On the fourth hole we passed a nice shelter but the shower had stopped. Then we got to 7th green, well past the shelter and the heavens open up. Murphy's Law, when you need a shelter it is some behind you. No need for a shower tonight when we get home. We took shelter under a tree and put up our umbrella. We had a 30 minute rain delay so we decided to solve all of the world problems.
One great thing about rain here, it is warm. So you can stand under a tree for a half hour soaking wet for head to foot and not be cold. You will have to try it one day.

One bad thing about playing in a monsoon is you do not get a lot of roll on the fairways.

The rain stopped once again and we played on.

One thing about being soaking wet is you can not get any wetter. A perfect example ocurred when Jim hit his ball in the lake. He could see it but could not reach it. What the hell his shoes were all ready wet so he just walked into the lake, up to mid calf and picked up his ball.

Perfect Foot Joy commercial.

We finished nine and there was blue sky, lots of it. So we paid the remaining $13 and played the back nine. What a difference the fairways were now dry, the kangaroos were out, the parrots and cockatoos were flying and the sun was drying our clothes. Life could not have been better.

So what is the morel of this story? No women are not smarter then men. The morel is, if you get stuck on a course in the rain it probably will only last 30 min and it will be warm so you can continue your play. If you do get a rainy day and your tee time is in the morning wait and go out later in the day.

Jim gave Tewantin a higher rating then I did in a previous blog. He found the course to be in good shape, long and lots of pretty holes.


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