Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Arrived in Vancouver on January 1st to rain and temperature of 8.Must say this is colder then Edmonton at zero with blue sky.

Got rained out with my mapping on the second so had to map three courses on the third. I mapped Redwoods in Langley and the two courses at Northview in Surrey. The two courses are very different at Northview. The Ridge is an excellent course and would rate very high on a course review, somewhere around 89 out of 100. The canal course is flatter and not as interesting and would end up around 84. At $50 and $60 a round this represents good value. The Ridge course was the home to the PGA tournament (Air Canada) for a number of years. Mike Weir won his first PGA event here.

The Redwoods in Langley is an excellent course as well. It is not in as good as shape as Northview but the trees and views are nicer. Make sure you play this one when you are in BC.

While we were here we stayed at the Delta Airport. I have to give his hotel a lot of praise. The location was great, the view good, the staff and room were also very good. If you get a chance I recommend that you stay at the Delta.


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