Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Beach is Back.


Yesterday we found that our beach was back from the King Tides so we went for a long walk towards Coolum. There were a lot of people on the beach when we got to town. Along the way we pasted walkers and most of them had  dogs with them.

That afternoon we were invited for lunch at the neighbors across the street. They have a very nice beach home where they spend their holidays. They live in Canberra which is a two day drive south. They served the Australian national dish, prawns.

They closed a beach in Noosa on the weekend because a number of stingers had been blowen into the swimming area. The picture shows one that was on the beach. They can give you a good sting. If hit by them you are supposed to go to the life guards and they put ice on area. A couple of years ago we were at a surf carnival when a couple of the young girls swam through them and got stung. They came out of the water screaming.

While in Mooloolabah we stopped into the David Hart Art Gallery and purchased a  picture, Tangled Flowers. We now have one by Pro Hart, David Hart (Pro's son) and Julie Hart (one of his daughters). They had on display one of his grand daughters (Cloie) works. The whole family paints. Pro Hart is one of the art icons from Australia.


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