Sunday, July 03, 2005

New Year of Golf

As it is the first of July it is time to start our next golf blog. The purpose of the blog is to keep our clients and interested readers upto date on the happenings and changes to B&B Travel's Golf Tours.

This is our 4th trip taking golfers to Australia. We have added lawn bowlers and New Zealand this year to round out our tours.
Australia continues to be the popular choice. However this year we have about 1/3 continuing on to NZ for 2 to 3 weeks of sight seeing. We have had a number of inquires for New Zealand but no one has registered at this time.

At the time of writing this blog we have 44 registered golfers and bowlers for our up coming trip to Australia. Our major group will depart Western Canada on January 30th on Singapore Airlines. So far all our golfers have choosen to reside in Australia at the The Hill Apartments at Currumbin on the Gold Coast. Our bowlers will be located in Kingscliff. Each year the popularity of our tours keeps increasing. This year we may have to limit the number of clients for the first time.

Since we always get some bridge players in our groups, I would like to remind the bridge players that your membership at Club Banora permits you to play bridge with the Banora Bridge Club.

Why not bring along your tennis racquets as Club Banora also has 6 tennis courts that you can use.