Friday, January 23, 2009

Crikey What a Ripper.

Yes you guessed it. Beth and I went to the Australian Zoo yesterday. This zoo is the creation of the famous crocodile hunter, Steve Crikey Irvin. The only day of rain we have e
xperienced so far was yesterday. We got soaked and left early b
ut we managed to see most of what we wanted.

Over the years I put off going as I thought I had seen all the animals of Australia during all our previous visits. It was not until my good mate Dave told me he thought the zoo was

 very well done that I thought we should go.

The zoo is about 2 hrs by four lane highway from the Gold Coast, maybe 2.5 hrs. It is well worth making this day trip, especially for first time visitors to Australia.

We found the park very attractive, well laid out, with lots of shows, wild life, and tropica
l vegetation. It was one of the cleanest and greenest parks I have visited. Our day c
onsisted of walking around and viewing the many different animals, reptiles, birds and shops. We took in the croc show, elephant show and the tiger show.

It was also very neat that the Irwin family presented the croc show. That Robert is going to be
a character just like his dad

Everyone knows Australia is different, Australians do things differently. The water in the toilet goes down the opposite way, light switches operate the opposite of ours, the sun is in
 the north but the other day we saw another thing that was backwards.

We were walking the beach to town and we saw two people fishing for worms. Ye
s fishing
 for worms. They were using fish for bait and tyring to catch some worms that were about a metre long. They filled a bag full of dead fish and then mopped the wet sand with the bag leaving behind the smell of the fish. The worms would come up to eat. When they arched their backs the worm fisher would grasp it and a tug of war began. Finally after a minute the worm lost and was stuffed in their worm container. Later that day the poor worm became bait for the fish. What
goes around comes around.

The worms are about 1cm in diameter as the picture of their hole indicates.


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