Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Sept. Update

As the end of September is very near I thought I should update everyone on the up coming golf journey to down under.

We are quickly filling up. We have 14 seats left on the February flight from Vancouver. This year we added lawn bowlers and NZ as a destination. So far we have 10 bowlers and 71 golfers. Of the 71 golfers we have 10 going to NZ. Of the 61 going to Australia 18 are going on to NZ as well.

The Hill Apartments has proven to be very popular and we have sold out of our units there. You can visit their website at We have also added as of this month one more apartment complex call the San Chelsea. This unit is 3.5 stars and has some AC and all have ocean views. It is located across the street from Tugun beach. You can view their website at . I have not seen this complex but was recommended by the managers of The Hill. I will check it out in January and let you know. I hope to offer this with The Hill and Kingscliff next year to complete or range of accommodations. The San Chelsea has a pool, some AC, mini tennis and ocean views. The two bedrooms only have one bath but with two doors. Three bedrooms have two baths. The San Chelsea will be also be a $100 upgrade for each of two people or $50 for 4 sharing.

Tickets will be available for pickup on Saturday November 12th between 1:30 and 4pm at the social room at the Maverick brewing company. It is located on 105st and 102 Ave in Edmonton. Those that can not make this date or live a long way from Edmonton, I will mail tickets express post on the 15th of November.