Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Singapore Airlines

On January 4th we boarded Singapore Airlines flight SQ 17 from Vancouver bound for Brisbane. We had a forced overnight in Singapore.

This is our 4th time we have used SQ to get to Australia. It has to be one of the best airlines in the world.

You will have to go on line to their site and check in prior to departure. This way you can change you seats . You can do this 72 hours prior to departure time on the coast. You will need your ticket numbers to check in. The passport and credit card option did not work for me. I will send all those that are travelling with SQ their numbers.

Why is SQ so good you ask? Here are some of the reasons:

  • A little bit more leg room
  • Head rests that fold in so you can lean your head against
  • Hot towels prior to departure and meals
  • Outstanding flight attendants
  • Lots of meals, drinks and snacks
  • Drink cart comes by about three times prior to the meal.
  • Over 30 videos on demand plus TV programs, music, and games. There is lots to do.
  • One of worlds best airports in Singapore

These items are on some of the features for Singapore Air.

We had a good hotel in Singapore in a nice location, Furama Riverside. The transfer takes a long time as we were the last hotel that the bus went to. We got there at 1 am after arriving in Singapore at 1130 pm. They picked us up at 0630 for our flight to Brisbane so not much time to sleep. Even though it was short it was nice to get off the plane and see the green tropical city on your ride into the hotel.

If I was doing this connection again I think I would take the cab rather then the free bus as we could have save an hour getting to the hotel and stayed in bed another hour or so for the return. The cab costs about $25 SQ at night and $20 during the day. This is about $15 Can.

If you do decide to take the taxi you still must go to the hotel stop over desk to have them check you in to their system and receive you coupons. If you do not want to take the bus then just go back down the hall a bit and go to the taxi area. You can see it from the stopover hotel desk. If you are traveling on points or with some other airline then you will have to take the taxi to the city.

The exchange rate at the airport was $1 cdn = $1.30sq.

The temperature in SQ was 27 at night with not too much humidity.

The flight is long and I think I watched 6 or 7 movies. The stop in Seoul is only 1 hr and by the time you get your transit pass and go through security again you do not have much time to explore this huge airport. However you do get to stretch you legs and have a look at some shops.


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