Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years 2010

Back on line after taking time off from blogging. It has been a busy year for B&B. Since you last heard from us we toured Tasmania before heading back to Canada in April. In June we went to the Coast Del Sol in Spain and set up the area for extended stay golf packages. The two golf pictures show the quality of and the scenic views of two of the of the courses. There are over 42 top quality courses on Costa Del Sol. Then on to Wales to see how the preparations for the Ryder Cup were coming along. If you think you might like to play the 2010 course give us a call and we will set it up for you. After Wales we visited Ireland and put together conducted tours. This deviates from our golf tour mode that we have established for Argentina, Australia, NZ,Spain and Uruguay.

After returning to Edmonton Dan and I did a short 4 day golf course review in the foothills of the Rockies.

October found us in Argentina, Uruguay, and Chile. We found what we think will be very good golf destinations in Argentina and in Uruguay. In Argentina we selected Bariloche for our 4 week golf destination. It is right in the Andes Mountains beside a beautiful lake. I am sure you will love this quaint city of about 150 000. In Uruguay we selected Punta Del Este. If you want a South American beach destination this is it. You can combine both countries if you wanted to extend your trip to 2 months. No matter what you do you must take a stop in Buenos Aires either coming or going. You will enjoy the various districts and maybe even take in a soccer match or learn to Tango.

This year bookings are down over past years and I am hoping it is because of the recession. We still have decent numbers for NZ and Australia with one couple heading off to Spain.

The picture of the condo is the one you could have in Punta Del Este if you are traveling with another couple as it is a 5 star 2 bedroom, on the ocean and brand new. The picture of the beach with the hand sticking up out of the sand is on the main beach.

Next year Spain, Argentina and Uruguay will be advertised all year giving you more time to make your travel plans.

Beth and I are off to Oceanside California for three months to escape the winter. We have a nice ocean front condo and we are looking forward to playing a lot of the different courses in northern San Diego. I will keep you posted about the area and maybe we can start sending Canadians to California for the winter. In fact we have 3 fellows that have booked two weeks at the same complex and will be playing the courses in and around the area. Who knows it might be an alternative destination from always going to Palm Springs. If so we will offer month long packages with airfare, car rental and condo. Golf will be extra unless I can find a course or two that will let us be members for a month or more.

Just a reminder to visit This is a great website for all the golf information you need or want. Make sure you click on the travel link on the left hand side and read the various destination reviews. I still have an Argentina and Uruguay one to do. If you are reading this blog and think we should do a review of your area or courses then let us know and we will be happy to check it out for you.

Have a happy New Years everyone and will talk to you in the new year.

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