Friday, January 12, 2007

Keperra Country Club

Since the last post Beth and I took a nice drive two days ago through the rolling hills west of Brisbane. We pasted by some large estates, took the ferry across the Brisbane river and stopped for lunch at one of the golf courses. Since the flora and fauna are so different then what we see in Canada it is always interesting no matter what road you decide to drive down.

Where we live backs on to a large park. At night the bird life and their calls makes us think we are in the Amazon River area, or what we think the Amazon would sound like.

We have been here a week and so far the nights have been cool enough that we have not turned on the AC in the house.

Yesterday we played the Keperra Old Course. This course is in a bush land setting with lots of tall majestic gum trees, some billabongs with lots of bird life and rolling hills. They have 27 holes there and it is open to the public. The course is very interesting because of the bush land setting. They have irrigation so fairways in most locations were good. The club house makes a pretty picture sitting on the hill over the course. It was hot today about 30 with a blue sky. Glad we had a power cart as we had a tee time of 11:30. The round took us 4 hours and we were the only ones on the course.

Three drinks in the air conditioned club house came to $9

I scored this course as:
Clubhouse - 6
Value ($45 with cart)-8
Scenic value-7
Last night we went to the local pub for our evening tea (dinner). This is newer style pub, very modern with a good size dinning area, slots, and horse race betting area.
At the table we had chicken, two rib steaks, t bone, and fish plate. The cost of the meals were around $25 which includes gst and tip. The meals came with salad and choice of potatoes.

Drinks for the 5 us ( 3 glasses of decent wine, large coke and beer came to $20)

Today we are off to explore some of the small towns just north of us. According to the tourist brochures there are some good views of Brisbane and a few towns with some shops, art galleries and pubs.

So will report on these in the next blog.


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