Sunday, January 13, 2008

Another Great Day in the Land Down Uner

Our day started with an inspection of the last remaining hotel that we use in Auckland. The Quadrant is a new hotel with modern features and the one bedrooms run about $140 a night. The studio in my mind is all you need if you are only spending one or two nights in Auckland. Each unit has a full kitchen. The Crescent portion has one bedrooms that are slightly larger then the others but there are no elevators in that wing. The most you will have to do is climb 3 flights of stairs. They have porters for your bags. The hotel is across from a nice park, next to the Hyatt and just up the street from the High Court of NZ, a very nice area. Queen street is about 3 blocks and the harbour is maybe 4 blocks away. Most of the rooms have some view of the harbour. If you are taking the airport bus you will be let off about 1.5 blocks a way and you will have to walk up the street to the hotel. The hotel has underground parking which is nice to have in the city. It does cost $25 a day but this saves you from having to get up early and move you car if you parked on the street. It also means you could leave you clubs in the car or van and not haul them up to your room.

After leaving the hotel we took a short drive to Parnell street. This street is one you will want to visit so you can check out the various shops and the restaurants. I recommend this area for lunch or dinner.

After exploring the street, back allies and stopping for a latte and capacino we hopped on the Green Bus for Victoria Market. The Green Bus is much like the Red Bus I mentioned the other day. The Green Bus does cost you $1.60 a ride but it makes a larger circle of downtown which takes about an hour. We got off at Victoria Market and checked it out. Forget it, it is not worth the time. We got back on the Green Bus and completed the circle and got an interesting view of the city. Make sure you sit close to the computer screens as it has a map of where you are and it gives some information on the districts and sights.

When we got back to the car we decided to go to Mission Beach and have a very late lunch. In fact it ended up being our dinner as well. The beach was packed since it was a hot 25 degrees. We spent some time watching the coming and goings of both the boats and the people. Then we headed over to the restaurant for our meal. Beth had a hot vegetable salad that she reported was excellent and filling. I had the meat loaf witch was OK. The total bill for this plus a beer and ice tea was $44. Be careful what beer you order as mine cost $11.


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