Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Well wouldn't you know it. Just after a warning from my good mate, Dave, we encounter one of the top 5 killers in the snake kingdom right here in our own neighborhood. I am not kidding mate.

We were heading to the bus yesterday to go to Singapore Air lines for some vouchers. As we were walking the 4 blocks to the bus Beth shouts "SNAKE." Of course being the great white hunter, I high tailed it out of there without even looking or thinking of Beth.

After a sprint that would have seen me qualify for drug testing in the 100 metres, I stopped to have a look.

It was a big mean 2 metre long, 5 cm thick,brown snake.

We went to a near by house so we could warn them. The lady was not too concerned saying the neighbour had a dog. We pointed out ,it was not the neighbour but it was across the road. She said "the hell with those blokes."

Then we looked a little closer and it was not moving. It seemed dead, probably run over by a car. Of course our closer look was from about 25 metres away.

Once again Aussie Bob survives another encounter with the dangerous and deadly wildlife that inhabit this hostile environment.


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