Friday, January 26, 2007

Australia Day

I have a few days of catching up to do.

Last Wednesday we took the bus to the city centre. Buses in Australia charge per zone so the farther you go the more it costs. If you travel between 9:30 and 3:30 and again after 7:30 you get the lowest price.

We had to go to Singapore Airlines to pick up two hotel vouchers for some golfers that depart in April. If you flew with SQ then you have the right to change your return flight with no cost. You do have to travel the same route as coming and space has to be available. Each year we get someone that wants to extend their stay in Australia.

If you do then you must go to the SQ office in Brisbane to make the changes.

On Thursday we checked out Paddington and Mt Coot-thra. Paddington is one of those with it shopping areas in Brisbane and Mt Coot-thra has an excellent view of Brisbane, the river and the surrounding hills. It is a great place for lunch, afternoon drink or dinner.

If you are going to Brisbane and I suggest you do. Then you should visit the Eagle Street market and South Bank market on Sunday. Take a 2.25 river cat ride and shop Queen Street.

If you want to do some sea side locations then check out Redcliffe, Manley, and Cleavland.

We have not had rain until Wednesday and Thursday. Each day it rained fairly hard for about 1hr around 4pm. It was nice to see the rain as things were getting a little dry. The week has been hot with the high around 31 and the humidity getting to 80% today.

Today January 26th was Australian Day. We went with some friends to South Bank. South Bank is the area left over from a World's Fair they had a few years ago. It has restaurants, shops, great swimming pool and nice parks. We had a picnic and sat on the grass and watched the comings and goings. At 7:30 they had a great fireworks display from two barges on the river.

Australians love their fireworks and put on a good display.

Tomorrow our first golfers arrive and we move Brisbane to the Gold Coast.


At 3:07 AM, Blogger Paul Dragovic said...

Hallo Bob,
ich bin zufällig auf deinen Blog gestossen, weil ich mich vertippt habe. Der Name unseres blogs Herrengolf Newsletter 2007 hat die Adresse
Meine Adresse lautet.
Werner Ludwig
64560 Riedstadt-Leeheim
My english is not so good, but I try to translate. It was a surprise to find your blog. Our blog has the adress. I have make a mistake and I came to you. Our blog is a newspaper for men-golfers. Our club is Kiawah-Golfclub Riedstadt/Germany
You can find us in Internet-adress:
I hope you send me a e-mail to my adress:
Kind regards
Werner Ludwig


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