Thursday, February 07, 2008


Hi: We are back on line. I am using a computer in the shopping mall in Coolangatta. They charge $2 for 21 minutes so not too bad. We have a number of golfers here and more arriving next week. Beth and I have been here for 9 days now and the weather has cleared the last few days and it is sunny and hot now. We had a lot rain and high seas. So far we have only played two courses, Banora and Coolangatta. Both in very good shape. This year we are staying in Coolangatta where a number of our golfers stay. We are heading north for two nights to Noosa to meet some old friends and see the people we are going to exchange with next January. Tonight we are going to Club Banora for the free entertainment. We try and go each weekend as we sometimes see some excellent bands and performers. Last night we dinned at The Rusty Pelican. There were 8 of us and we all had coupons so we got 50% off. The meal was very good and we said we would go back. We had a scare the other day as we were sitting at Dan's place having a drink and waiting for the storm to pass through the area. There was a lot of lighting and thunder. All of a sudden the room lit up with a flash of orange, red and white light. This was followed immediately by the thunder. We all said holy crap what was that and then we discussed the lighting that had entered the room. We could not find any damage. We also agreed that we were now not afaird of lighting as we would never know what hit us.


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