Thursday, January 17, 2008

Moving Day

Today we are moving north about 1.5 hrs to Omaha beach. It is supposed to be very nice. However in the paper the last week we have read that they have closed the beach twice because of sharks. One attacked a Zodiac boat, bit the boat and the boat sunk. Let's hope we do not see any, as we are there for 2 weeks. At least Ray and Beth will not have to worry. We are going to spend time searching for a decent golf location with reasonable accommodations. There may not be many, if any. We would like to offer two places on the north island so you have a choice or even organize it so you could stay two weeks in both places instead of 4 weeks at one location. It might cost a fair bit more to do the 2 and 2 but we can offer it anyway.

Just another note on Auckland bus service. They also have a group ticket for 4 or more. This gives unlimited rides and only costs $22 for the group, so if there were 4 of you then it would be only $5.50 each. The driver told me it covers the ferries as well. Make sure you ask, because when I read it on the net I did not get the impression that it covered the ferries. We also used our Auckland pass on the Green Bus.

Yesterday it was cloudy and a little cool around 24 with a breeze. Today it is supposed to go to 25 and then cool off with some rain over the next week.

We have enjoyed our time in Auckland and would return. For people coming over for a visit I would recommend maybe 3 nights and two days. It is a very pretty city with lots of hills, trees and harbours. The city goes back to around 1840 and they have preserved many of their old homes and buildings. It gives the city an appearance of being old which I found gave Auckland a very nice charm.


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