Sunday, January 14, 2007

Country Driving

On Saturday we decided to take a trip north west of Brisbane through the rolling farm lands and wonderful little towns. There are many of these kind of drives all over Australia and they show a different side of Australia that you don't see in movies and in the media.

You will find great country pubs, antique shops, quaint towns, marvelous scenery, wonderful bed and breakfast locations and delicious dining spots.
Our trip took took us to Samford Village where we check out the pub which is shown below. This is an example of a modern pub.The next two pictures show what old country pubs look like. Make sure you stop for drink or even lunch or dinner. You can order beer in "pots', 10 oz or a "schooner", 14oz. This year I am ordering pots as the beer does not get as much chance to get warm before I order another.

While driving you will find shops and in this case a very attractive vineyard that was set up for a wedding. Beth like to visit the galleries and antique shops.

This old house is over a 100 years old and they did 148 weddings there last year. They make their own wine but only sell it to the wedding parties.

Most people would not think of Australia as green and rolling with lots of cultural activities. They would be so wrong. The picture below shows a little town that had the large old pub as well as 4 or 5 good eating establishments.

County View.

Maybe you do not want to get out of your car when you need to pick up some grog. Well then just use one of the many drive through bottle shops.

We always like to stop at nice restaurant that has a view. Stopped here at Mt Mee for coffee and scones. What could be be better than a latte with two fresh baked English scones with thick cream and jam. Beth has a cappuccino with a fresh glutton free apple and blueberry muffin. Total bill for this was $15.10
On Sunday we went to one of the many markets that are in and around Brisbane. Since the house we are staying in did not have a coffee maker, Australians drink a lot of instant coffee, we picked up one up at the market.
Today we have a tee time at one of the better Brisbane courses. We will report on the course in the next blog.
Temperatures over the last two days have been 28 and 29. It might have been a little more in land. We have been here a week and a half and we think the weather has been the best we have had in long time. Not too hot and humidity around 65% and no rain so far. I hope it lasts.


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