Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Golf Tournament

Yesterday we had our annual tournament at Lakelands. This is a Nickolaus course. The weather was the same as it has been for a while. The mornings are nice then it clouds over and we get some showers. Yesterday that is what happened. Everyone had a good time and Twin Towns donated the prizes once again. A group of them,12, have booked tee times at Coolangatta for Thursday. Dan and Darryl got the low net team score and received a nice wine cooler with glasses, cheese board and knife.

A number of golfers tried to order hot dogs at the turn only to find out that the course does not serve hot dogs. I had to explain that you order meat pies or sausage rolls. In a number of cases if you want tomato sauce you have to pay extra. Just one of the reasons you travel so that you can experience different cultures and customs.

Coffee is another custom that is different. It is hard to find filtered coffee unless you go to Starbucks or MacDonald's. Australians drink a lot of coffee but they go out for it. They order Cappuccino, Long Blacks, Latte or Flat Whites. Cappuccino is espresso topped with steamed milk and froth. Long Black is espresso topped with hot water. Latte is espresso with steamed hot creamy milk, topped with dense froth. A Flat White is espresso topped with steamed hot creamy milk.

You will also find plunger coffee served at a number of restaurants. You might not have a coffee pot in your accommodation. If you do not I have a number of plunger that you could use.

Today Beth and I went for a walk along the beach to watch the large surf. Australians measure the surf from the top to the back. Today it was about 4 feet but from the front it would measure about 8 to 12 feet. They measure the swell. This is high surf and a number of pros were out getting ready for the pro event that starts this weekend.

The large waves are caused by a large low pressure system sitting off the coast. The surfers wait for these to come along like we would wait for large dumps of fresh powder.

The spell checker on this machine does not work so you will have to forgive my mistakes. After all Mark Twain once said" a man must be very boring if he only knows one way to spell a word".


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