Friday, February 22, 2008


This year about 30 of us took the 4.5 hour Tweed River Cruise. It was a great day, about 32 degrees and a nice breeze. The cruise took us up the river for about 2.5 hrs. Gave us an hour in the town of Tumbulgum where the ladies went shopping and the men went to the historic pub. On the return trip we had a very good lunch of steak, snags, salads, prawns and fruit. On the way up we feed the birds. There were a lot of hawks and eagles. Everyone said they enjoyed the cruise. This is the 4th different cruise we have taken over the years and probably the best. It is a little expensive but we got a group discount and the price came down to $42. Those of you still to arrive, I believe we have 14 more to come, will be able to take the cruise at the same price. The staff was excellent and the captain gave a good commentary on the trip up the river. On the way back we were joined by a large pod of dolphins that played around the boat and surfed on our wake. Today the temperature was to reach a high of 36. This past few days of hot weather is the way I remember Australia. It is so nice to sit out side in the morning and have coffee on the balcony and have the temperature around 23 degrees.


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